IBS Case Studies
IBS Mumbai
Date: 27/06/2012 Time: 20:46:19
IBS Case Development Center
Unilever Limited: Transforming the Finance ‘Function’
This case study was written by Parveen Sultana and Fathima Reshma Taj H, under the direction of Saradhi Kumar Gonela, IBS, Hyderabad. It is intended to be used as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was compiled from published sources.
License to use IBS Mumbai for Sem I, class of 2014
IBS Case Studies
Ó 2009, IBS Case Development Center. All rights reserved. To order copies, call +91-08417-236667/68 or write to IBS Case Development Center, IFHE Campus, Donthanapally, Sankarapally Road, Hyderabad 501 504, Andhra Pradesh, India or email: info@ibscdc.org
Unilever Limited: Transforming the Finance ‘Function’
“Top performing businesses have top performing finance functions, but few finance functions are top performing.” - Scott Parker, Head of Financial Management, KPMG LLP (UK)
In an era of globalisation, increasing economic pressures and stringent regulatory norms, the role of finance function is becoming much broader than ever before. The head of finance function, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has become the strategic business partner to CEO and is playing a leading role in company’s decision-making process. In this context, the finance function is all the more important especially in conglomerate and multinational companies. Unilever Ltd. is one such company that has a highly diversified geographical presence and wide financial operations.
Role of Finance Function - Interface of Finance Function with other Functions
In the rapidly changing business world, many CEOs are realising that achieving organisational objectives becomes impossible without the active support of finance function. It is obvious that finance