There are ten steps in the medical billing process This is pre-registering patients, establishing financial responsibility for the visit, checking in patients, checking out patients, reviewing coding compliance, checking billing compliance, prepare and transmit claim, monitoring payer adjucation, generating patient statements and doing follow up payments and collection.…
Health care costs have become a major issue in the United States, both socially and politically. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 50.7 million people, or nearly one in six U.S. residents, were uninsured in 2009 (Kaiser Health News, 2010).This is because the high cost of health care has driven the cost of insurance out of the reach of many Americans. Contributing factors to the continuing increase in the cost of health care are the generally unhealthy…
Many studies have show that people without health insurance do not get the health care they need. The sicker they become, the more tests, surgeries, and other health care services they need. This scenario increases costs to the health care…
These uninsured people reported that the costs of health insurance is a major barrier. Most Americans get health insurance coverage through an employer, but not all workers are offered this coverage. The number of uninsured people has increased throughout most of the past decade due to decreasing employer sponsored insurance coverage and rising health care coast. A good example to this situation would be the people that are unemployed or those that earn minimum wage.…
More than 45 million Americans are uninsured. Even those that do have health insurance often face financial and other barriers when getting healthcare. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) removes most of these financial barriers (Kocher, Emanuel, & DeParle, 2010). The ACA guarantees access to healthcare and creates new incentives to change clinical practice, but some might be surprised to learn that the financial price tag attached goes beyond healthcare costs and taxes which all Americans will pay for costs associated with the ACA are passed (Unknown, 2012).…
I agree with you, the United States health care system is very expensive. Because of this many people do not have health insurance. People how to have less income they cannot afford the health insurance because of premium and copayment. That makes them jeopardy their health. Uninsured people have less access to recommended care, receive poorer quality of care, and experience worse health outcomes than insured people do. People who are uninsured suffer significant health consequences as a result of not having insurance. Being uninsured has been correlated with poorer quality of health care, lower rates of preventive care, and greater probability of death. Many uninsured people avoid seeking medical care unless they are faced with an emergency,…
Affordability of health care – Many Americans, with and without health insurance, faces crippling financial debt from their medical care.…
Whereas; the United States has a multi payer system. Health care plan has assigned restriction on which hospital and doctors individuals in the United States can visit for medical assistance. At least 40 million people are not insured; many Americans are living in fear of losing whatever care they have, cost-savings are driving patients out of bed early, administration costs are approaching…
Healthcare services require compensation so our access to healthcare in the United States is certainly influenced by our economy. This access is very limited for the uninsured because of the extreme high costs of healthcare services and medications. According to the Social Security Advisory Board, health care spending is increasing at a more rapid rate than are earnings for workers and their families (Social Security Advisory Board, 2009). Also, healthcare premiums have increased at a much greater rate than inflation (Divino, 2008). Many Americans are unable to obtain health insurance because it is not provided to them by their employers and/or it is too expensive. Medical bills can easily become overwhelming causing both financial and…
Daniels, M. R. (1998) Medicaid Reform and the American States. West Point, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.…
Affordable Care Act is the notion of affordability and the role of health insurance in making otherwise unaffordable health care affordable (Nyman and Trenz 264). The Affordable Care Act gives every American a right to health care through Obamacare. Millions of Americans have benefitted by receiving insurance coverage through the ACA. Many of these people were unemployed or had low-paying jobs. Some could not work because of a disability or family obligations. Others could not get decent health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition, such as a chronic disease. The ACA has been highly controversial, despite the positive outcomes. Even though, the…
According to health care statistics published by in June 2008 nearly 50 million Americans is not covered by insurance companies. Another 25 million are underinsured, which means they pay for coverage often very high rates and still encounter hardship paying for medical bills. Many of these people have major health issues and amount of money they owe for medical services is substantial. Among them are people that due to chronic medical conditions or serious illness are not able to change insurance companies and shop around to get better premiums. To keep coverage they have to agree to pay higher premiums, deductibles and…
Several reasons explain problems with health care costs. Insured consumers did not have the means or incentives to effectively choose their health care providers and services and this created inflationary distortions in the purchasing system (White, 2004). There was also a lack of provider incentives, a "presence of inappropriate restrictions on payer and provider behavior, including insurance rules and bans on…
Health insurance has been a controversial topic for many years. Most people tend to think, assuming they live in the United States, that all citizens should have some form of access to health care. But in reality, many people are unable to afford health insurance so they end up going without health care because that in itself is also expensive. Even when the Affordable Care Act was put into place, people were still facing the lack of coverage due to the high cost of insurance, absence of employment providing health insurance, and people not able to be eligible for public coverage. There are certain consequences when it comes to not being able to obtain health insurance. It has been shown that people who are uninsured are less likely to seek…
Today uninsured Americans make up approximately 4.2 million people. Because these families cannot afford the high cost of insurance, they do not get the health care needed to maintain good health. They must live with the pain and worry of the problem and when they do get medical care, they assume huge debts and another worry of how to pay for it.…