August 11, 2014
Sardana Islam Khan, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration
Deputy Executive Director of Centre for Research and Training
Assistant Editor of Journal of Business and Social Studies
East West University
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Subject: Submission of the Term Paper
Dear Ma’am,
We are submitting to you the report, due August 11, 2014, as per your instructions. The report is entitled “Preliminary Diagnosis of Union Group for Organizational Development”. The report is an integral part for the completion of the course Organizational Development (HRM420) and hence we are submitting it to you on due date and time.
Hopefully, this report will meet your requirements and expectations. Should there be any queries, we are ready to clarify.
Thank you for your concern.
Yours Sincerely,
On behalf of my Group,
Ikramul Hossain
ID: 2011-2-10-343
First and foremost, we would like to thank the Almighty Allah for giving us good health to complete this report. Then we would like to thank our course instructor Sardana Islam Khan, PhD for his relentless support, advice and guidance throughout the entire preparation of this assignment. The development of this term paper took several weeks and the contribution of many people. Without the support and help of our group members, we would have not been able to complete this study.
Special thanks should be given to Mr. Shabbir Ahsan from Union Group, who was our main source of information. We also would like to thank our family members for their support and understanding throughout the course of the completion of this assignment. They have always been there to help us and were the force that pushed us to go on.
Dhaka, Bangladesh
August 11, 2014
Executive Summary
There are cultural differences in each organization. Culture differences make the