The test of a “Good” Relationship is whether we believe it provides us: a) what we want-- solid substantive outcomes, b) peace of mind, and c) an ability to deal with differences. If these basic needs are being met for one or both parties, any effort to improve the relationship will likely be unnecessary or unproductive.
The key to a relationship-building effort is a sincere acknowledgement by both parties that their relationship is difficult or unproductive, and that this situation should not continue. Then, the strength of their convictions will be tested by their willingness to provide resources and leadership for a re-building effort.
Furthermore, each party in the relationship must accept that it, itself, is at least partly responsible for the poor quality of the relationship. To focus entirely on the way “they— the other party—is treating us” is a recipe for blame-letting, not relationship-building. And, the flip-side of this responsibility issue is a required acknowledgement that, if the relationship is to improve.
Whatever process is used to re-build the relationship, it helps to view the “Relationship” in its context. A widely-accepted, generic view of this context is the model developed by Walton and McKersie,This model identifies 4 components of a labour relations system: (1) internal and external determinants, (2) arenas of formal interaction and other activities, (3) the emergent relationship, and (4) consequences.
An effort to change the RELATIONSHIP will be driven by a concern about the CONSEQUENCES, and will depend upon the ability to change the nature or type of INTERACTIONS, as well as possibly alter some (Internal) DETERMINANTS (Beliefs, Policies, etc.).
Sometimes, what the parties are