The Walt Disney Company employs more than 36,000 full-time employees who are part of over 40 labor unions. ("Working at disney," 2010). The Walt Disney Company which is so involved with so many unions can be difficult for them to negotiate with each of the unions and make themselves and their employees happy. There can be many obstacles and benefits of being a part of an union. Some of the obstacles in becoming unionized, bargaining with the union and the effects that this bargaining can have on the company.
There can be many benefits the Walt Disney Company can have with joining these unions. Unions provide a standard in the pay rates, benefit levels, and employment conditions. They also provide not just the employee but the employer employment security. However, being a part of an union is that the Walt Disney Company must make sure that they are in compliance with the unions at all times. They may not be able to close hotels or resort if they have a contract with the unions. Unions can also make the employees work harder and products a better service when they are treated correctly and fairly.
The unionization process starts when the Wagner Act of 1935 was enacted. This act “affirmed the rights of all employees to engage in union activities, to organize, and to bargain collectively without the interference or coercion from management” (Cascico, 2010). An organization becomes unionized when 30% of their employees agree to become part of an union. If a union is able to obtain over 50% authorization from the employees then the union can obtain exclusive rights to representation of the organization. (Cascico, 2010).
In order for a union to barging with an organization, it must form a bargaining unit. A bargaining unit is a “group of employees eligible to vote in the representation election.” (Cascico, 2010). These employees are those that negotiate the contract that is acceptable to the workers and the organization. There
References: Cascico, W. (2010). Managing human resources. (12th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Martin, Hugo. (2011, December 08). Disneyland and union settle long labor dispute [Web log message]. Retrieved from Working at disney. (2010). Retrieved from