FROM: William George (Paralegal)
File No.: #PA13579
RE: Client Mickey McDivet’s Social Security Claim March 19, 2012
With regard to client Mickey McDivet’s (McDivet) medical impairment according to Title 20,
Part 404, Sub Part P, of the Code of Federal Regulations, his impairments do in fact meet the
required standards to qualify his claim for Social Security disability benefits. Pursuant to SSA
requirements, McDivet’s claim should be viable based upon the following facts; [1] there is an
impairment that is or can be medically determined; also [2] despite McDivet’s impairments not
being in existence for the required 12 months, his psychological impairment presents a threat to his
life and possibly the lives of others, there is also a reasonable belief that they will continue to be a
factor for at least 12 months; and finally [3] his impairments are severe enough to hinder him from
being able to maintain employment.
According to the applicable medical listings as laid out in the text, the proper medical listing
for McDivet’s impairments should be as follows: his medically diagnosed condition of “vertigo” is
considered a severe neurological condition, whereby, it falls under the categorical numerical listing
of… [1] “11.00” – which represents neurological disorders; and, as a result of many insecurities