Unit 001 – Roles, Responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning.
Candidate Name: City and Guilds Number:
TASK A Guidance Document
Driver Training Department.
Guidance Document for driver trainers working with learners
Instructing, coaching and assessing in the driver training sector can present many challenges and variants when interacting with learners on a day to day basis. Training scenarios can greatly differ in their aim, practical application or severity of risk assessment and your involvement can then vary to include the protection of personal information, development of training materiel or direct contact with individuals. You …show more content…
You should be aware and operate within any ground rules that are set by your employer and emphasised through your line manager. You are also responsible for ground rules that you should look to install between you and your learners. Below are some examples and scenarios that you should be aware of in your role.
The role of a Driver Trainer often brings you into close contact with small groups of learners, in a closed and personal environment and for extended periods of time. The need to create an open and relaxed environment is important, especially during ERDT, but this could lead to a blurring of boundaries between teacher and learner. It is important that you are aware of this and maintain the authority to be able to control situations safely when teaching in a moving vehicle environment.
Though you may know students through other avenues such as other work activities or sports clubs you should be aware of discussing aspects of training, especially on social media sites. You should also be aware of commenting on aspects of your working day which could be open to public view and be easily misinterpreted by other employees or members of the …show more content…
The truth is often far from this and you should be aware of a learners need in this area. Though the majority of driver training is of a practical nature you should be aware of learning barriers. These can include factors such as an individual’s learning style or conditions such as dyslexia. Learners may be unaware of these factors or unwilling to disclose them. For learning styles you can encourage completion of a VAK questionnaire, found on the team site http://team/sites/ds/default.aspx. This will enable you and the learner to better focus the information they receive and may make them more aware of their learning style. When delivering sessions that involve presentations, reading, writing, facts and figures or even discussions, be respectful of individual’s learning needs and be observant of the learner’s reactions. You should be aware of factors linked to dyslexia that may also affect other aspects of driver training. Disorders such as dyspraxia may be apparent in a mild form and can affect a learner’s movement and coordination. This may become evident when operating lifting hydraulics or following verbal commands in a vehicle. If you experience learners that make you aware of these factors work together with them in a respectful way. If you or they need further information there are many useful websites such as the