Outcome 1 Understand the legal, policy, rights and theoretical framework for residential care for children and young people
Assessment Criteria
The learner can:
1. Outline current theoretical approaches to residential provision for children and young people
2. Explain the relevant legal and rights framework that underpins work with children and young people in residential care
3. Explain the influence of current policies and legislation on residential care provision
4. Describe how the life chances and outcomes of children and young people in residential care compare with those who are not.
Additional Guidance
Current theoretical approaches may include:
Therapeutic communities childcare
Social pedagogy
All systems
Outcome based
Life space
Solution focused
Current legal and rights framework, policies and legislation
As relevant to UK Home nation
Unit 087 Work with Children and Young People in a Residential Care Setting
Outcome 2 Understand own role and professional responsibilities in a residential care setting
Assessment Criteria
The learner can:
1. Explain the requirements of professional codes of conduct and how they apply to day to day work activities
Every day in the work place there are things that have to guide the way in which someone works within a care setting. Maintaining codes of conduct is vital to maintain a profffesional level of care in the work place and these codes need to be adhered to at all times by all members of a staff team.These codes of conduct can apply tio many things in the working day from the overall way a child is cared for to smaller things such as the completion of paperwork or keeping standards conditions in a care home up to a high styandard.
2. Explain how to ensure that own practice is inclusive and anti-discriminatory and how to challenge practice that is not
In my own work role I wpork to ensure that at all times I do not