Zachary Taylor (11641395)
I.T.T Technical Institute
Email and Web Services
Mr. Semreen
September 24, 2013 After careful consideration it was decided by the IT corporate team that in order to increase security and lower your attack surface, Windows 2008 server core would be installed on a group of your servers. However, a few roles need to be installed on the server and your senior Administrator is not familiar with installing roles on a server core machine. The /W switch specifies the warning level of the MIDL compiler. The warning level indicates the severity of the warning. It also behaves the same as the /Warn switch. There are different levels of this and can be used to determine how severe a problem may be. Below I have made a chart listing the different /W levels. As for removing a role, if needed you can remove a singular role quite easily. For example if you want to remove the single role ExampleRole1. All you have to do is enter “Remove-ManagementRole ExampleRole1” There are different types of removals for different purposes. When starting DHCP service from command prompt simplify enter “net start dhcpserver, net stop dhcpserver, net pause dhcpserver, or net continue dhcpserver. Or you can get there by clicking Start>Settings>Control Panel>double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click DHCP. As for DNS zone, you are able to configure it manually through various steps or using your command prompt and entering “dnscmd /Config {|..AllZones} {1|0}”
Warning level
No warnings.
Severe warnings that can cause application errors.
No binding handle specified, unattributed pointers, conflicting switches.
May cause problems in the user's operating environment
Identifier length exceeds 31 characters. No default union arm specified.
Lowest warning level.
Non-ANSI C constructs.
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