Unit 1: Exploring Business Activity – Induction Assignment
Oxfam is a non profit organisation and was first set up in England, 1942. It was created by a small group of Quakers, followers of Christ, and their main target at the time was to reduce the frequency of famine and to aid those in need. Although Oxfam set out originally to reduce famine they now strive on opening up world markets and providing fair trade to third world countries. To date, Oxfam is currently the leading international non-governmental organisation (NGO) and have an excellent reputation in the delivery of aid and development work. Millions of people donate to Oxfam every year - without this hefty amount of funding they receive they wouldn’t be able to put ideas into action. It is because of this that it is said to be ‘owned by everyone’.
Oxfam is a charity which is also the leading non-governmental organisation to date. It consists of 13 organisations working with over 3,000 partners in more than 100 countries around the globe. In 2008 Oxfam GB worked with over 20,000 volunteers in shops across the UK, raising £17.1 million for Oxfam 's programme work Oxfam rely on the public to donate goods for free; they market to all age groups however it is perceived to be for the older generation and not for the teenage trendy market. Oxfam doesn’t have competitors in a selling sense however they do need to earn the publics trust by putting their aims into action. There is rivalry between other charity organisations such as ‘help the aged’ to receive the items and donations from the public and this relies so much on marketing their goals and what they will do with the proceeds. There is no bought in stock as all the items are donated but the pricing for re-sale of most items are reasonable. With this in mind Oxfam has become a popular place to find bargain buys for re-sale. At Oxfam all the profits generated from sales within store and online/postal donations all
References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxfam#Oxfam.27s_work http://www.oxfam.org.uk/about_us.html http://www.johnlewispartnership.co.uk http://www.helptheaged.org.uk/en-gb/WhatWeDo/ http://www.waitrose.com/ http://www.marshallward.co.uk/home/en/home.page?bc=6600042 http://www.debenhams.com/ http://www.somucheasier.co.uk/department-stores.html http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews56366.html The Daily Telegraph ‘John Lewis forecasts fragile year ahead’ by James Hall