Since the beginning of the 19 hundreds and still to this day people come to this nation for idea. Some call it the American Dream. Where in this country it does not matter where you come from, what matters is the handwork that you put in. But does race play a role in your goal to become successful. When apply for a job or loan are people going to look or perceive you different based on your last name. Are we as humans all equal or is there a superior race that is calling the shots. After contemplating the previous questions you may have came to realize that race plays an important factor. With this being true then this country is not truly equal for all but for some. In understand why there 4 different sources that …show more content…
Scholars like Hume said “black people are naturally inferior to white”1. Immanuel Kant said “skin pigmentation mirrored difference in mental capacitates”1. From these ideas you can infer that white European starting the idea that they were the superior race. Scientist at the time was so convinced of this theory that they started doing experiment to determine what makes black different. You may be asking yourself then why is race a social construct? It is because the idea of race is an idea that was made by this scholars and the public agreed with them because it make sense to them. This idea of white being the dominate race is still existed in group today. We as human as this not evolved from this idea. In Copeland book she writes “There only one race- the human race”1. Scientifically proven that are genetics are all the same. If this is the case then why as humans do we identify you differently? How many times have you ask someone what race they are and they say human. In Matthew Cooke documentary he explains the idea of slavery before The Enlightenment period. 3His explanation is that rich farmer owner needs to give poor white more power. The rich land need to create barriers because there is strength in numbers3. In Traffic Stop Alex said 4“We never talk about race”4. Alex believes that race was not a factor but the officer that stop him brutally attacked him. How are we a equal nation if law enforcement are allowed to hurt it