Unit 12: Assessment and planning with children and young people.
Unit code: SCMP1
Unit reference number: M/600/9760
QCF Level: 3
Credit Value: 5
Guided learning hours: 35
1. Understand how to place children and young people at the centre of assessment and planning.
Current evidence that stands assured regarding effective methods of ensuring participation and engagement of children and young people of all ages and levels of understanding in assessment are:
Baseline assessment (source 1) – month review of each young person and how they are progressing within school and their lives. The baseline that we use in my setting formulates progress charts on the following aspect of the young person's life:
(for a full description of each aspect, please refer to page 2 of the baseline).
Key worker session records (source 2) - A Key Worker is a named member of staff who has a central role in respect of a particular Child. This will include the overseeing of the Placement Planning and recording systems. The Key Worker should become the main co-ordinator of services for a particular Child in the home. They should help other staff follow the agreed approaches and care strategies set out in the Placement Plan. They should also help to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the services. The Key Worker should be appointed by the Manager preferably before a place has been offered to the Child. Where this is not possible, it should be done on the date of admission. Wherever possible, the Key Worker should be involved in visits prior to admission. During this period, they should strive to become a familiar face who will be present at the time of admission. During the early stages of placement, the Key Worker should spend sufficient time with the new Child to assist with settling in. The Key Worker should ensure that all the Child's records