P5 – Describe own use of four observational techniques to observe children
M3 – Interpret observations to show how observations can be used for assessing, recording and planning
D2- Evaluate the observational techniques used including the longitudinal method.
Describe the observation method used and how you used it. (P5)
Interpret each observation method – how could it be used to assess, record and plan. (M3)
Evaluate each observation method – advantages or disadvantages when you used it for your study. (D2)
I observed child A’s physical development and was surprised to see how mobile Child A was that day because she was dealing with an un known illness/allergy …show more content…
However I was able to communicate through the room leader. To ask permission to observe the child I spoke to the room leader and explain in detail everything I would do and gave them a signature signing sheet so that they were able to ask the parent for permission and ask for them to sign the permission slip. I organised each of my observation’s be checking the outcomes for the child’s development for their age using the EYFS development matters. This was so I would know what I need to be writing about for example there is no need to write that a child used a pincer grip holding a toy hand bag if I am observing there social skills! I kept organised by also drawing out my rough tables for time sample and checklist before hand to make sure I wasn’t drawing it out during the observation. My observation lasted from September to January, I wish it could have been longer because I believe it could have been interesting to see how Child A develops over a 6 month period but unfortunately I had to move into my final