1.2 : the aspects of health and social care work is important because the care value base able the care settings to meet the need of all the clients. if they did not exist in a care settings then the client/ individual would not reach their full potential. the care value base sets out rules and guidance for every practicioner to follow in order to provide service to an individual. 7 priciples are: *promoting anti-discriminatory practice; *maintainig confidentiality of information; *promoting and suuporting individuals right to dignity, independence, choice and safety; *acknowledge of people personal beliefs and identities; *protecting individuals from abuse; *providind effective communications and relationship; *providing individualised care
1.3 : Person-centred thinking is a set of values, [ skills and tools used in Person Centred Planning and in the personalisation of services used by people who need supports provided by social or health care.Person centred thinking was first developed by a group of people practicing Essential Lifestyle Planning in the US (now known as 'The Learning Community for Person Centred Practices). These planners realised that while many plans were being written,