Go to this Website: http://www.sciencecases.org/tired_swimmer/tired_swimmer.asp
Answer the Following Questions for Parts IIV.
Part I:
1. What vital signs or symptoms does Annie exhibit?
Blurred vision and eye strain, hands ache and feel weak, gasping for air, weakness & Constant fatigue
2. Can you see any common features in Annie’s signs and symptoms?
Blurred vision and eyestrain we must look at the optic nerve within the brain. Whenever you don’t see well other factors will play into it, like headaches, soreness, and fatigue.
3. Why is Annie having problems breathing?
Because she has multiple sclerosis, Annie is having degeneration of this area since it is apart of the brain and spinal cord.
4. What are the possible reasons for Annie’s condition?
By having vision problems resulting in weakness, Annie exhibits symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
Part II:
1. What additional vital signs or symptoms does Annie exhibit?
Strange sleeping patterns, long sleeps, short of breath more than usual, stressed out, hands and fingers get tired when you type, eye strain and double vision, drooping eyelids
2. From the internet, find a picture that shows the mammalian spinal cord in cross section. Include the url where you found it and a statement of why you feel this is a good example.
3. How could a decline in muscle function contribute to eye strain and blurred vision?
When light is refracted into the eye through the lens it hits a point called the fovea centralis, which focuses the light with the use of cones and sends a message to the brain. When the cilliary body doesn’t help the lens to focus and achieve the message signal to the brain, we get double vision.
4. What are the possible reasons for Annie’s condition? lack of oxygen in the bloodstream which would cause muscle crams and lactic acid buildup or multiple sclerosis which has all of the symptoms expressed.
Part III:
1. According to the conduction