Describe different types of documents that may be designed and produced and the different styles that could be used.
Types of documents include: documents for fax, spreadsheets, business cards, letters, slide shows, emails etc. Letters are used for communication for all purposes, mainly correspondence. Letters are usually written in a formal style. Slideshows are often created to accompany verbal communication through presentations. They can be created on Power Point and are usually projected onto a wall, or the slides can be printed out and used for handouts or notes to accompany the presentation. These too are usually a formal style, but it does depend on the topic. Spreadsheets are used for compiling and sorting available data into something that is easier to understand and more usable. Business cards are small, useful cards that can be given to clients that they can easily find contact details for the company. These are usually double sided, one side with the company logo and one with the details.
Describe different formats in which text may be presented.
Some formats include; PDF, .doc and RTF.
Files saved in a PDF format are usually converted from word or excel documents into the non editable PDF format to ensure that the documents do not get altered when emailed out to clients. Documents saved on Microsoft Word are saved with the file name .doc and are easily edited to alter things such as layout, format, font etc. A document saved in Rich Text Format (RTF) can be read by most word processing packages.
Explain the purpose and benefits of designing and producing high quality and attractive documents.
High quality and attractive documents give a good impressions of the business to whoever sees them. The documents look professional and this helps to attract people to the business which will increase profits. A high quality document will be very clear and easy to read. Therefore it is