
Unit 19 D1

Satisfactory Essays
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U19 – Developing Teams in
LO1- Complete M1
LO2 – Start M2
LO3 – Work towards D1

Compare the roles of the different

members of a team
Reflecting on the roles that you and others
... activity, draw up a table played in the team that compares the roles each of you played.
Include whether Belbin’s theory of team roles came into play (did each team member work according to how Belbin states?). Explain which roles complemented each other (or not) in your group.

Compare the effectiveness of different teams
Prepare a presentation that compares the

effectiveness of different team situations which you have been involved, good and bad; You must include
your progression event team and compare it against your work team or
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Reward – This results from one person's ability to compensate another for compliance.
Expert – This is based on a person's superior skill and knowledge.
Referent – This is the result of a person's perceived attractiveness, worthiness, and

right to respect from others.
Coercive – This comes from the belief that a person can punish others for

If you're aware of these sources of power, you can…
Better understand why you're influenced by someone, and decide whether you want to accept the base of power being used.
Recognize your own sources of power.
Build your leadership skills by using and developing your own sources of power, appropriately, and for best effect.

D1: Evaluate the team’s overall effectiveness in meeting its’ objectives, making recommendations for improvements
Write a formal report to your Programme Manager

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