This unit looks at the varied behaviours and reasons for the dynamics within a group and how to manage them in order to confidently deliver and engage the student within the lesson.
The hairdressing department within City college, delivers to a vast range of learners, all with varying ages 14-50+ different ethnic backgrounds beliefs, social backgrounds, values, work ethics, family responsibilities, the list is endless. This is mainly due to the college’s position within the town and the area in which a vast majority of our students are residing. This diversity calls on us, as teachers, to adapt our teaching styles and management of behaviour continually, according …show more content…
Mature learners tend to make their own rules according to how they believe they should be treated and will challenge rules and adapt behaviour to suit themselves .For example, the lesson starts at 9.30 but the learner chooses to arrive at 9.45 because the later bus is cheaper and why should he or she pay more?.I have taught both young and mature learners and have learnt through adapting and testing strategies, to adapt behaviour management. Wallace (2007) reassured me that it is not only I that faces the disinterested group first thing in the morning. You walk into the room, the learners may not acknowledge you, and they may even have their backs turned. They are drinking their lattés and recalling last night’s TV.
My Tuesday morning Level 3 group often display this behaviour. The learners ready to begin are organised and focused. They look to me to establish a suitable learning environment. Strategies used to begin the lesson are varied. With the mature group, the best strategy is to arrive 10 minutes early. I am fortunate I can do this as the salon is free prior to my lesson. If it were not free, I could still overcome this by being fully prepared, gaining the students attention outside the