Assignment 1
P1 Describe the recruitment documentation used in a selected business.
Introduction: In this assignment I will be analysing Microsoft
The purpose of Microsoft/ business activity:
Microsoft was set up by Bill Gates and Paul Allen (founders) in 1975 their main aim in setting up The purpose of Microsoft is to help make the lives of average people simpler using their fast and efficient software which comes with these wide range of programs such as: Development software, Digital media authoring, internet ,office, operating systems, sever software, system administration, video games, misc and others which were discontinued such as Microsoft power toys.
Ownership of the business
Microsoft is a partnership business when it comes to a partnership business a deed o partnership would be signed and this deed is what maps out how the profits of the business would be shared which goes towards the payment of partners and other things which may assist the business. Normally when the paperwork is being signed a solicitor would be present to supervise, people in business partnerships they can share the workload, skills and knowledge of the business so if something happens to their partner (ill or passes away) the other person would be able to manage the business alone if need be.
Advantages and disadvantages of a partnership
1. The main advantage is the sharing of skills and knowledge where one person is weak another can help making it easier to run a business 2. More people mean a higher contribution in capital which makes it easier and more flexible in a company. 3. The stress of time is lesser 4. You can consult someone about business plans
1. Arguments can come about if they have conflicting views. 2. Profits is a major issue in most partnerships one partner may feel they aren’t getting their works