Oct 2013
1. Understand what confidence intervals tell us
2. Understand how we get them
3. Know the SPSS procedure for getting confidence intervals
Terms to Know
Confidence interval
Mu (μ) t-curve normal curve
His RQ:
Real population mean:
Sample mean: 6
Sampling distribution: 2
Estimated mean = sample mean = 6
Estimated standard error =
Way for rick to talk about how accurate he is
Accuracy in inferential stats
Confidence Interval Statements
Marginal error statements …show more content…
Election polls
“The Green Party has 12 % of the vote, plus or minus 3%, 19 times out of 20”
EG #1
“The average mark for fourth-year students at UofT is 76.4%, plus or minus 4.2%, 95% of the time”.
Lower limit: mean minus margin-of-error (MOE) = 76.4% - 4.2% = 72.2%
Upper limit: mean plus margin-of-error (MOE) = 76.4% + 4.2% = 80.6%
EG #2
“The mean days absent is 6 days, plus or minus 2.5 days, 90% of the time.”
Mean 76.4 %
Margin of error MOE Given as an interval as a range +or – 4.2%
Lower limit: mean minus MOE = 6 - 2.5 = 3.5 days
Upper limit: mean plus MOE = 6 + 2.5 = 8.5 days
This range is the confidence interval
A range where you think the mean is going to lie 95% sure the mean will lie within the intervals A way to talk about the accuracy of a population estimate
Four Steps:
1. Decide on a level of confidence :95% most common
2. Estimate the sampling distribution : info from sample
3. Locate the 95% of samples closest to the mean
4. The lower and upper boundaries of this group of samples mark the confidence interval: lower limits and higher limits that’s CI
95% is the most common in research
Step #2: Estimating the Sampling Distribution
Terminology estimated population mean
μ (mu)
Sample mean is
Population mean is μ
Sampling Distribution Standard Error
Always symmetrical
Never skewed
Step #3: Locating the Closest Samples
A sample of size 3
There are 20 possible samples: eac box is a sample
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Mean: still 6
Standard error: + or - 3
Step #4: Finding the Confidence Interval
The closest 18 range from 4 to 8
90% confidence interval: 90% of 20 give us lower boundary and upper boundary
But what if his sample had a larger standard deviation:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Mean: 90% ci
Closest 18 possible range from 2-10
90% confidence interval standard deviation + or - 4
The closest 18 possible samples range from 2 to 10
2 to 10 days absent, 90% of the time.
Much less accurate
Nice tight Conf. In
Sampling Distribution Shapes 167 171 172 176
.estimating a curve
For a sampling distribution of means, it’s a bell-shaped curve.
the area under the curve.
The size of the area corresponds to the number of possible samples
Here’s an example showing the curve, and some of the samples underneath it.
Calculate tables that give us the area under the curve
This curve corresponds to the number of samples
1. For small samples, a “t” curve
a. Flatter more spread out
b. More accurate confidence interval
c. Small is around 100
2. For large samples, the normal curve
what proportion of all possible samples lie in certain ranges under the curve.
Standardized scores calculating and converting Effect of Sample Size
More accurate population estimates
Narrow confidence interval
Political reporting
increase sample size
As N gets larger, the fraction gets smaller
As the fraction gets smaller, SE gets smaller
As SE gets smaller, the sampling distribution gets narrower
As the sampling distribution gets narrower, more samples become closer to the mean
So the best 95% of the samples are closer to the mean
So the confidence interval for these samples is closer to the mean
So the confidence interval shrinks, and population estimates get more precise and accurate.
SPSS: Confidence Intervals
This procedure finds statistics about a single variable from a sample, and estimates confidence intervals for the variable.
1. Menu bar, Analyze, Descriptive Statistics, Explore
Opens the “Explore” Box
Variable list on left
Three working areas in the middle
Ignore the second and third
Option buttons on the right
A “Display” area underneath
Five action buttons on the
2. Move your variable into the top working area
3. Click the “Statistics” option button
Opens the “Explore: Statistics” sub box
Select “Descriptives” and the size of the confidence interval you want
95% is the default
Click “Continue”
Takes you back to the Explore box
4. In the “Display” area, select “Statistics”
5. OK
Opens your output file
Two tables
First table: gives you your sample size
Second table:
The mean of your sample
Also the standard error of the mean
The lower and upper bounds for a 95% confidence interval for that mean
The median
The variance
The standard deviation
The range
The interquartile range
Ignore all the “Bootstrap” results
1. 3 measures of central tendency: mode, median, mean
2. 3 measures of variation: percent non-modal, range, variance
3. Getting central tendency and variation in SPSS
4. Distributions, skewness, and outliers
Proportions re category variables
Proportion of hom. By firearm and other
Etimats of pop proportion
2 categories proportions are decimals
dummy variables special kind of dichotomy coded as 1 and 0 use 1 for the cat of interest
0 for the other
advantage spss mean of dummy var. gives you proportion confidence interval proportion code differently in values
.98 proportions for cat variable