|P1:describe how marketing techniques are used |M1:compare marketing techniques used in |D1: evaluate the effectiveness of the use of |
|to market products in two organizations |marketing products in two organizations |techniques used in marketing products in one |
| | |organization |
|P2:describe the limitations and constraints of |M2:Explain the limitations of marketing | |
|marketing |research used to contribute to the development |D2: Make justified recommendations for |
| |of a selected organization’s marketing plans |improving the validity of the marketing |
|P3:describe how a selected organization uses | |research used to contribute to the development |
|marketing research to contribute to the |M3:Develop a coherent marketing mix that is |of a selected organization’s marketing plans |
|development of its marketing plans |targeted at a defined group of potential | |
| |customers | |
|P4:Use marketing research for marketing | | |
|planning | | |
| |