Mini Performance Project 1 “The Ghost Walk”
How did you show acting and personal management skills in rehearsal? (Outcome B.3)
Read the descriptors and highlight the level you think you reached. Level 1 | 1B.3 Demonstrate limited acting and personal management skills in rehearsal. | Level 2 Pass | 2B.P3 Demonstrate personal management skills and competent application of acting skills in rehearsal. | Level 2 Merit | 2B.M3 Demonstrate consistent personal management skills with competent and confident application of acting skills in rehearsal | Level 2 Distinction | 2B.D3 Demonstrate a high level of personal management skills and competent, confident, insightful and imaginative application …show more content…
of acting skills in rehearsal. |
Why do you think you reached the level you highlighted?
I think that I reached level …
What do you think you need to improve to reach the next level?
To reach the next level I think I need to …
Describe a time or moment when you rehearsed effectively and contributed something to your group in rehearsal.
I was very effective in the rehearsal when we …
Describe the work of another member of your group who contributed effectively in performance?
When did they show good skills in rehearsal?
Another person who was effective in rehearsal was …
Describe how you created your character in rehearsal. What did you have to change about yourself and why?
I had to play a character who was …
Unit 3 “Acting Skills” Reflection
Mini Performance Project 1 “The Ghost Walk”
How effectively did you perform your role? (Outcome B.4)
Read the descriptors and highlight the level you think you reached. Level 1 | 1B.4 Participate in a performance using limited technical acting skills. | Level 2 Pass | 2B.P4 Perform a role using relevant technical and interpretive acting skills competently. | Level 2 Merit | 2B.M4 Perform a role with confidence and consistency using relevant technical and interpretive acting skills competently, to communicate the creative intentions of the piece. | Level 2 Distinction | 2B.D4 Perform a role with confidence, consistency and ease; use relevant technical and interpretive acting skills competently and fluently; and fully communicate the creative intentions of the piece. |
Why do you think you reached the level you highlighted?
I think that I reached level
What do you think you need to improve to reach the next level?
To reach the next level I think I need to …
Describe your use of voice in the performance, including what was effective and how you could have improved.
I used my voice effectively by …
Describe your use of movement in the performance, including what was effective and how you could have improved.
I used movement effectively when …
Describe the performance of another member of your group including what was effective and how they could have improved and mentioning voice and movement.
A person in our group who performed their role effectively was …
Unit 3 “Acting Skills” Reflection
“The Theatre Company Welcomes You” (Part 1)
How effectively have you explored and developed your acting skills (Outcome A.1)?
Highlight the level you think you have achieved since starting the course. You can look at the starters and tasks in your books for help remembering what you have learned. Level 1 | 1A.1 Demonstrate limited use and control of technical and interpretive acting skills in practice and development. | Level 2 Pass | 2A.P1 Demonstrate competent use and control of technical and interpretative acting skills in practice and development. | Level 2 Merit | 2A.M1 Demonstrate competent use and control of technical and interpretive acting skills, showing consistency in focus, response and effort in practice and development. | Level 2 Distinction | 2A.D1 Demonstrate competent use and control of technical and interpretive acting skills, showing imagination and insight and a high level of focus, response and effort in practice and development. |
Why do you think you reached the level you highlighted?
I think that I reached level …
What do you think you need to improve to reach the next level?
To reach the next level I think I need to …
Find and describe a lesson where you developed and showed your voice skills
A workshop where I really improved my use of voice was …
Find and describe a lesson where you developed and showed your movement skills
A workshop where I really improved my use of movement was …
Find and describe a lesson where you developed and showed characterisation
A workshop where I really improved my characterisation was …