How to install a firewall:
1. First of all search what you are looking for. Browse through the search results instead of going for the first one. Browsing will help you choose the correct site for you.
2. After you have browsed through different websites, chose the one that suits you best.
3. When you have chosen the specific software that you are going to download, they will have step by step instructions that will take you through their procedure.
Use the internet for Business Research
How to perform an advanced search:
1. First of all, go onto Google home page. This is where you are going to search for what ever you are looking for. E.G different train lines than Southwest trains.
2. To perform the advanced search, put
‘related’ in front of the subject.
3. Adding ‘related’ in front of your search will search for everything related to what you put after ‘related’
USE of the internet for business procurement
1. First of all, choose what product you want to buy off the product list. For Example paper.
2. Hover over what you want and it will come up with a small list of items. Click on the one that you are looking for.
3. Choose whatever type of paper you are looking for by clicking on the item.
4. Chose which product you want to purchase by pressing add to basket.
5. When you have checked out, you can either continue shopping, following the same process as above or check out.
Use of the internet for business promotion
1. On the Facebook home page, there is a sign up option. Below that it gives you the option to create a page for a business.
2. Click the ‘create a page’ link. When you have done that, chose what is right for you.