Physical abuse
Sexual abuse
Emotional abuse
Any organisation that deals with children and young people, must have a safeguarding policy in place and that it is reviewed and updates regularly. All staff must know their settings policy and the procedures to follow in the event of any cause for concern. It also highlights the importance of shared responsibilities as there can be many different agencies involved in dealing with each case. Safeguarding children is an integral part of a schools everyday activities :
Wearing ID badges to identify oneself
Not putting ourselves at risk to possible complaints
Signing in and out of school
Ensuring current legislation is adhered to such as,
Every Child Matters
Data Protection
Human Rights
Health and Safety at Work
The Safeguarding Policy should be compliant with sections from:
Th Education Act (2004)
Working Together
The Local Children's Safeguarding Board
To take account and inform of policy in related areas such as,
Bullying e-safety To integrate a safeguarding curriculum within the existing curriculum allowing for continuity and progress through all key