Child Care and Education
Unit 4: Keeping Children Safe
Briefing: 25/2/13
Submission: 7/5/13 (Tuesday Exam Week)
Preparation Task
As previously advised you should have read the assignment brief and gathered information to support you
□ Read the assignment information carefully (this can be found on pages 45-51 within your candidate handbook). □ Look at the marking scheme to the assignment on pages 285-289 within your candidate handbook. You will be able to read what is required of you in order to achieve E1 – A1. □ You need to read the compensatory marking grid: Guide for awarding marks to support you with your assignment. This can be found on pages 257-259 within you candidate handbook. □ Write in your own words what you feel the assignment is asking you to do. □ Plan ahead – you will need Time, Space and Books to help you with this assignment. This is very important has it will help to write coherently. □ Ask for support. □ Attend homework workshops. □ Pictures of children’s faces or names on their work/displays/setting are not permitted.
• You can refer to past and present practice where relevant • You can have appendices however, it is not compulsory. We advise you to consider what you are going to put in your appendices to support your discussion before you begin. That way you can be sure you can make clear links to practice. • Your completed work should not exceed 3,500 words. There is no lower word limit. Work that is more than 10% above the word limit will not be marked. References and quotations within the text are not included in the word limit.
Please make an appointment to see a tutor if this is not clear.
Submission Guidelines
Do not under any circumstances copy from another group member, straight from course textbooks or the internet. The outcome for copying (PLAGIARISM) could result in disciplinary action and