Natasha Wilson
August 16, 2012
Kaplan University, School of Business
Professor Susan Knapp
A BFOQ is known as a Bona Fide Occupational Qualification. This is when there are qualifications that employers take into consideration when deciding about hiring and firing employees. These qualifications usually relate to vital job duties necessary for the business and its successful operation.
Because employers using BFOQs can be seen as discrimination and an infraction upon the laws, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which protects individuals from being discriminated against based on their race, age, national origin and religion there need to be …show more content…
An airline can legally avoid hiring pilots with disabilities like blindness for safety reasons.
Filmmakers may hire actors based on physical traits such as age, race, or gender.
Sex-stereotyping is when employers are forbidden to discriminate against an employee because they do not act upon their specific gender role expectation. This means that an employer cannot discriminate against a male of female just because that male of female does not act the way that employer feels that gender should. For example, there is a male in the office who may seem to act a bit feminine in the workplace, whether they are homosexual or not, the supervisor is not allowed to discriminate against them or treat that employee harshly. Another example is “tomboys” in the workplace. Certain persons of one gender not acting as society feels one of those genders should act or dress is something that is seen more often nowadays than in the past. This is important that employers do not discriminate against these persons because it is against the law and also more importantly does not interfere with the employee’s work …show more content…
An example of sex-plus discrimination is treating persons with school-age or preschool aged children differently from those who do not have children. To go a bit further this could include male supervisors making advances toward female workers in exchanged for time off to care for those children. These acts can be prosecuted under the law according to sexual harassment laws under Title VII.
Yes, there are times where and when bona fide occupational qualifications are needed in a workplace in order for it to run properly and smoothly. It is in the best nature of the employer to ensure that the rules are being met when coming up with these qualifications to hire, promote or terminate employee. It should not be something that is done just in favor of having only one certain group working for the whole company but just for a particular division of that company.