Chapter 11
1. What is the basic format for a proposal?
An introduction that defines a problem, stresses its importance, and offers a brief description of the proposed solution (the thesis).
An analysis of the problem, discussing its causes, and its effects.
A detailed plan that shows step by step how to solve the problem.
A costs-benefits analysis that measures the benefits of the plan against its costs.
A conclusion that looks to the future and stresses the importance of taking action.
2. Where are proposals used? Proposals are used mostly in businesses pitch new ideas.
3. What are the steps for inventing your proposal’s content?
Inquiring: Defining the Problem
Inquiring: Analyzing the Problem
Researching: Gathering Information and Sources
Inquiring: Planning to Solve the Problem
Researching: Find Similar Projects
4. What are the three primary sources of information when writing proposals?
Electronic and online sources: Web sites, CD-ROMs, listservs, television, radio, podcasts, videos, and blogs.
Print sources: Books, journals, magazines, newspapers, government publications, reference materials, and microform/microfiche.
Empirical sources: Personal experiences, field observations, interviews, surveys, case studies, and experiments.
5. What steps are involved with planning to solve the problem?
Map Out Your Plan
Explore Each Major Step
Figure Out the Cost sand Benefit s of Your Plan
6. Why should the writer list the costs and benefits of the proposed plan? A good way to round out your argument is to discuss the costs and benefits of your plan. You want to show readers the two to five major benefits of your plan and then argue that these benefits outweigh the costs.
7. What steps should writers use to choose an appropriate style?
Create an Authoritative Tone
Use Metaphors and Similes.
Pay Attention to Sentence Length
Minimize the Jargon
8. List three tips for designing your proposal. Three tips for designing your proposal are