Emotional development in childhood is also important, because it is where George would learn how to use his emotions properly since he was born. In early childhood, Georgewould have learned that emotions represent their own reactions to situations and events and that children can differ from each other in their emotional responses. Middle childhood is a period during which George who have learned to control and his own emotional reactions, and he would have improved his accuracy in reading the emotions of other people. George would have needed to learn that his emotional reactions affect other people. In infancy, George would have had tantrums and strops if he didnt get his own way and didnt know how to deal with how that felt, as he got older he would have realised how to deal with the word "no".
Social development in childhood is where George would become socially involved with people his own age through his school life. Being at school is a big part of childhood, George wouldnt only learn intellectual skills whilst being at school, he would learn social skills. Through his relationships with others an his growing awareness of social values and expectations, George would have built a sense of who he was. As he develops socially he would have responded to the influences around him and play an active part in shaping their relationships.
Adolesence is where the most physical development happens. Through the ages of 10 to 18, many different changes in the body would have happended to George. The main one is puberty, puberty is different in boys and girls. Puberty in boys usually happens around the ages of 13-14, but sometimes it can occur before this and sometimes it can occur later. George would have hit puberty at sometime aorund this age. There are many things that would have happend to him during this time. He would become taller and muscles will develop. His penis and testicles will also grow, which can be itchy and uncomfortable at first. Hormones would have made him get spots and become sweaty, but aslong as he had good personal hygeine he would still look and feel healthy. Areas of his body would become more hairy, including armits, legs, arms, face, chest and around his penis. His voice would break, this could have sounded croaky for a while, or he may have had a voice one minute and a deep one the next, it would settle down after a while though. Many of these things happen during puberty in a girl aswell but there are also different things that happen to a girl.
Many things happen in adolesence, that all amount to intellectual development. George had to think about himself. He had increased concern for the future and greater capacity for setting goals. George would have to take on board that he would soon be becoming an adult. He was studying for exams whilst trying to get auditions for TV roles. This owuld enhance George's intellectual development during this time.
Emotional development in adolesence is also important as there are many things that would have changed when George became a teenager. While during infancy and childhood emotions are introduced, in adolesence these emotions become more obvious and intense. Hormones cause moodswings, one minute George could be happy and the next minute he could be angry. Many things can happen during this time such as exams, arguments with friends and many other things. This would have caused feels of stress for George. Also, it is around this age that George decided he wanted to persue a career in the entertainment business which would have only been added stress to George thorugh adolesence.
Social development for adolescence is also very important in adolesence. This is become George is growing up, this means he will not have to rely on his parents as much as he used to. Peers would become a replacement for family, in terms of sharing information and advice. George would be searching for his identity at this each, this can be influenced by gender, peer group, cultural identity and family expectations. Georges family wanted him to do well in the entertainment business aswell, this encouraged him to do it for them. He would have developed a stronger set of morals at this age and began to become for independant.
George Clooney is currently still in the life stange of Adulthood. When George entered adulthood, his career was taking off. This means that his development through adulthood is slightly different to a normal persons development. Physically, George would have reached his full height by the time he was in his mid 20's, also in his mid 20's he would have found that he was at his optimum in terms of strengh, physique and looks. As he goes through adulthood, he may realise that his skin will become thinner and lose elasticity, not as much as in later adulthood, but more than what it was in adolesence. Wounds take longer to heel, and skin is not as strong. Nearing the end of adulthood before later adulthood, hair may begin to grey and skin may begin to wrinkle. Hearing and vision may begin to decline during mid 40s, this is the age that George is at now. George is in the public eye alot, and also has alot of money. This contributes to his appearance because he can have the best care, and dentist ect.
In terms of intellectual development, George as a young adult would perform better intellectually than he would now or in the future. This is due to change of generation. Young adult thinking resembles adolescent thinking in many ways, but sometime this can be a good thing as many young people see life from an idealistic point of view. Although, as George is getting older he would gain for life experience and become more intellectual, especially through his line of work.
There are many things that contribute to emotional development in adulthood. The normal for adults is to start a relationship, get married and have children. George was married, but he got a divorce. This is a life event that people do not set out to achieve in adulthood. George also has no children, this could contribute to emotional development as he may feel like because of his career he didnt have the oppertunity to do this. Also in adulthood, people normally get affected why their children leave home and they are left alone. Relationships are a big part of emotional development, George has had many relationship, but none of tham have lasted long term. This would effect his emotional development aswell.
Social development in adulthood is also very important. Being an adult is all about independance and doing things alone. In early adulthood, young adults social lives seem to be very busy with going out with friends and dating are normally two things that they do. As they get older, people tend to spend moe time with the person they want to spend their lives with. As time goes on an adults social life seems to get smaller as people have children and have other responsibilities. George Clooney's social life is more than likely still at its peak even though he is 52, this is because of his fame and lifestyle. There will always be events now and in the future that will make Georges social life.
Later adulthood
George Clooney is not yet in later adulthood which is 65 years +, but when he reaches this age phsycially many things will change to what he looks like now. Aging inevitably means physical decline. Energy reserves decline, cells decay, muscle mass decreases, the immune system is no longer as capable as it once in guarding against disease, body organs become less efficient, hair completely greys, skin loses elacisity and hearing and sight declines. George will face this when he enters later adulthood.
In later adulthood, George's intellectual development will decline. As people get older, they become more prone to illnesses such as dementia and alzheimers disease. Even though not every old person develops illnesses like this, memory loss is something that does happen during later adulthood. This can cause them to become less intelligent as their thinking will slow down. As George is a smart man, this could cause problems in the future.
Emotionally, in later adulthood George could become depressed and upset. This is because, as George is getting older, it may mean that he may not be getting the work that he used to and this could be different and upsetting for George. As he gets older, he may feel isolated or alone as he is not married which could lead to him being upset in his older years. Or, because he has had such a good life, he can retire and spend his time doing activities that he has always wanted to do. This will means that his later adulthood years will make him happy.
Socially, in later adulthood