Unit: 4223-007
Learner name: Fay Chambers
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Date of Activity
Unit No.
Learning Outcome
Assessment Criteria
Outline 1
Understand the roles and responsibilities in the prevention and control of infections
1. Explain the employee’s roles and responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection As an employee it is my responsibility to follow UHL policy and procedures and also statutory policies and procedures
2. Explain the employer’s responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection
My employer is responsible with providing me with all the information and policies and sufficient training. It is also my employers responsibility to provide me with correct PPE
Outline 2
Understand legislation and policies relating to prevention and control of infections
1. Outline current legislation and regulatory body standards which are relevant to the prevention and control of infection
Most of the legal regulations relating to infection prevention and control come under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. The act is to ensure a safe place of work for employees, employers and members of the public. Management of Health and Safety at work act (amended 1994) covers monitoring health and safety and risk assessment including infection prevention and control. The food Safety Act includes handling, storing and disposal of food; this ensures safe practice to avoid contamination and the spread of infection from food. COSHH is also relevant because it covers the prevention and control of infection and safe use, storage and handling of hazardous substances. RIDDOR is also incorporated as it requires that disease and infection that is work related is recorded and reported
2. Describe local