Section 1: Supply the Prefix
Definition Example Prefix
1. within (---cellular, -- cranial) Intra-
2. painful, abnormal, difficult, labored ( -tropy, --pnea) Dys-
3. on, upon, over (-dermal) Epi-
4. one ( -lateral) Uni-
5. below, incomplete, deficient (- tonic, --tension) Hypo-
6. beside, beyond, around, abnormal (-thyroid, --lysis) Para-
7. absence of, without A, an-
8. through, across, beyond ( -dermal, -plant) Trans-
9. many, much ( -neuritis, -dipsia) Poly-
10. normal, good (-pnea) Eu-
Section 3: Supply the Suffix
Definition Example Suffix
1. surgical removal (hysto-, lamin-) -ectomy
2. study of (physio-, termin-) -logy
3. disease (somato-,idio-) -pathy
4. inflammation (sinus-, lymph-) -itis
5. surgical puncture to remove fluid (amnio-) -centesis
6. softening (onycho-) -malacia
7. creating an artificial, or new opening (trach-, colo-) -stomy
8. visual examination (electrocardi-) -scopic
9. hernia or protrusion (hydro-, diaphragmato-) -cele
10. constriction or narrowing arterial-, tracheo-) -stenosis
Section 2: Supply the Combining Form
Definition for Body Part, Structure, or Condition Combining Form
1. Combining form for bone Oste/o
2. Combining form for liver Hepat/o
3. Combining form for stone, calculus Lith/o
4. Combining form for nerve Neur/o
5. Combining form for fungus Myc/o
6. Combining form for wrinkles Rhytid/o
7. Combining form for skin Derm/a
8. Combining form for larynx Laryng/o
9. Combining form for nose Rhin/o
10. Combining form for belly, front Ventr/o
Section 4: Proofreading
• The radiology report you will find below contains ten medical terminology errors, common spelling errors, incorrect medical terms and incorrect abbreviations.
• List the errors on the left column and list the correct term to be used on the right side column.
Medical Terminology Error Correct Term
1. Spudum Sputum