Functional Requirements
• Authorization Levels
- For each of everyone have their specific authorization of using this system. Example like admin have the authorization of changing or update the system database and staff have an authorization of input data and receive an output form the system. We have authorization levels because they are some people have authorization to enter further in the system.
• External Interfaces
- We provide an easier interfaces for staff because we don’t want the staff to be confuse using our system. Because if the staff don’t know how to use our system they will make a many error that can make all the system become paralyzed.
• Transaction corrections, adjustments and cancellations
- In this system we provide a system that correct the spelling of the user and adjust the interface of users input so that it’s easy to understand and see if the user have make a mistake. We also provide a cancelation if users decided to not make the input in the system.
Non-functional Requirements
• Backup
- To store the information about the product so if system is error the information of the product is not completely gone. So you don’t has to start from the beginning.
• Performance
- To make sure the response time, throughput, utilization, and static volumetric of the system is meet the requirements of the staff so that it’s easier for them to do their job
• Recoverability
- The recoverability of the system must be good so that if the system crash the reboot of the system must be fast so that the staff don’t waste time waiting the system to recover it’s to normal state.