Answer 1. Reasons why people use social networks: 1. Connect: Social networking sites let you connect virtually with anyone. Almost anyone with a computer or a phone has a presence online. Social networking sites are one of the easiest ways to connect with friends and family and also make new friends. 2. So very easy to use: One of the main and most basic things that everyone overlooks is that Internet usage has become very easy. With the emergence of faster networks, better hardware and superior software it has become very easy and streamlined for not only young children, but also elderly citizens to use Internet and anything available on it. For example, my mother …show more content…
|Free Registration/membership |Yes |Yes |Yes |
|Privacy |Yes |Yes |Yes |
|Gaming |No |Yes |Yes |
|Networking Freedom (ease of using the |Yes |Yes |Yes |
|website) | | | |
|Selling of virtual media(music and |Yes |Yes |Yes (movies and can stream music |
|movies) | | |using spotify) |
|3rd party Applications (games etc.) |No |Yes |Yes |
|Share photos, videos and blogs |Yes |Yes |Yes …show more content…
Social Networking sites vs. Amazon: People use social networking sites to communicate and connect with people on a personal level, whereas people use Amazon to buy and sell things. Users can communicate with each other on Amazon, but this is done primarily to communicate reviews and suggestions to other users. It’s very impersonal.
2. Social Networking Sites vs. Yahoo: Yahoo is a giant in the computing industry. It is best known for its web portal, search engine, Yahoo! Mail. Yahoo! News, Yahoo! Maps, advertising and social media websites like Yahoo! Movies. This is what differs Yahoo! from social networking websites. Facebook and Cyworld have many of these features integrated in their website. For example, Facebook users can watch movies, videos, play games, chat with friends, make new friends and read news using 3rd party applications on one website. Whereas Yahoo! has separate websites for all of these. Consumers cannot experience all this in one place. 3. Social networking sites vs. Youtube: Youtube is a video sharing website; it does not offer a social networking experience. Users can register, leave comments on others videos and also send private messages, but apart from these they cannot do anything else that social networking sites have to