Key terms
1. Perceived competence: Children with low perceptions of their athletic abilities drop out or do not participate in sport, whereas children with high perceptions of their competence participate and persist.
2. Sport-specific dropouts: withdraw from a particular program but enter into other sports.
3. Sport-general dropouts: withdraw from all sport participation and they are a special concern.
4. Affiliation motive: a major motive that children have for sport participation.
Review Questions
1. Why is it important for people who work with young athletes to know sport psychology? It’s because sport psychology is vital in youth sport setting and children are at such critical point in their developmental cycles, there for a qualified adult leadership is crucial to ensure a beneficial experience. Moreover, sport experience can have important lifelong effects on the personality and psychological development of children.
2. What reasons do children cite for sport participation and withdrawal? How does a child’s level of perceived athletic competence …show more content…
What are four theories of aggression? Describe the major contentions of each. Which have the strongest support and why? The four theories are the instinct, frustration-aggression, social learning and revised frustration-aggression theories. People have an instinct to be aggressive, which builds up until it must be expressed. Aggression is the direct result of a frustration that occurs because of goal blockage or failure. Aggression is learned through observing others (modeling) and then having similar behavior reinforced. Combines elements of frustration–aggression theory with social learning theory. Frustration does not always lead to aggression. It increases the likelihood of aggression by increasing arousal, anger, and other thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Increased arousal and anger result in aggression only when socially learned cues signal the appropriateness of aggression in the