‘The Zone’ A report about all the different types of therapies of which will be used
This report seeks to help find out about all the different types of therapies in which could be used within ‘The Zone’. These therapies will be used to help reduce some of the problems within the local area, and due to the fact that ‘The Zone’ is located within a deprived area I will be researching about therapies of which could help individuals with substance misuse, dysfunctional family issues, domestic violence and also self-harm. In order to do this I have three case studies in which I will use to help my research.
The behaviourist approach
This approach is shown to be very useful when it comes to explaining an individual’s learned behaviour, this is due to the fact that we can then trace back to where the behaviour may have come. This can be done with the concepts of association or even reinforcement, this can be otherwise known as classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
Individuals may change their behaviours due to certain aspects, for example; a young boy may have a fear of dogs and because of this they may not want to go to school or go and play out in the park because they may fear that they will encounter a dog. Another example of this would be if an old woman had a fear of going out (agoraphobia), and due to the fact that this fear dominates her life she gets depression. Thanks to classical conditioning an individual’s behaviour can be changed so that they can then overcome their phobia.
Classical conditioning is often used to help people overcome their phobias and this is done through systematic desensitisation. Systematic desensitisation is very similar to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and this is due to the fact that this method creates a ‘hierarchy of fear’. In order to create a hierarchy of fear the individual must write down a list of all aspects they are scared of which associate with said fear, an example of this would be an