involved. The school initiated proceedings to have the professor resign and the students penalized by law and taken out of the University permanently. The people involved were the professor and students for the University that plagiarized the paper and the students that knew it was being done. Plagiarism was identified with the other students in class. Exposing the violations of APA code of ethics standard 8.01 for research and publication in plagiarism. Universities have policies of committing this type of ethical issue. Standard 8.15 was also violated due to the review, the professor of the university, submitted the publication knowing the paper was plagiarized. Since the policies are reviewed with students early on in school sessions the university describes the consequences of this commitment. The consequences are typically expulsion from school and other schools may not accept you since it is now part of the academia profile for that student. An ethical study showed students whom committed some ethical issue including plagiarism have found that the suggested 9-step ethical decision-making procedure helped them implementing this in their practice (Tyron, 200). This could have been avoided if the professor was willing to turn in the papers and student names when first learned of the falsification. Best practice would be to utilize more than one tool for professors to check for plagiarism. The professors and the school should emphasize the consequences and provide tools for the students to use when it could be an unintentional copy.
Standard 10 Scenario: Group services are how the classes work every five weeks for twelve weeks. Personally I am an emotional person and I tend to give hugs and shake hands when I really get to know a person. I understand space and how people react, they do not want to be touched or invade their space. Having group or class sessions we get to understand each other and sometimes discuss personal areas of what our past experiences have been. The initial class is lead by my information about what to expect from a class session. I do have to mention about sensitive information discussed in class will stay in class out of respect of others going through the same issues. There is not information for initial explanation about personal space. In one class I had a participant come in with children that were ten and twelve. When the class was done and it was the last class for the group, I tried to give one of the kids a hug and say thank you for coming in with your family. I assumed it was acceptable considering I had given the family member a hug and the sibling a hug good-bye and a thank you for participating in discussions and support. The parent took me aside and discussed with me about personal space. No complaint was filed nor it was discussed with anyone else in the clinic. I did talk with my supervisor in case it was filed without me knowing. I acted on an impulse that could have been prevented and I should have been more aware. This occurred about a year ago and I have changed my ways. I do understand now that I could always go back to the Code of Ethics to ensure standards are being met.
The people involved in this scenario were the parents that were the participants of the program, the participants two children, and I, as the instructor of the program.
The ethical issue is the trespassing of the children’s space and giving them a hug. Standard 10.02 and 10.03 is to make sure the psychologist is clarifying the rules and regulations of everyone involved in the group sessions. Regulations of keeping the confidentiality of what is said stays within the group only and not talk about in class. In this scenario it is the touching and hugging for personal recollection for greetings or ending the sessions. This could have been avoided if the hug did not become a personal one-on-one greeting. The welcoming to the class or the farewell to the class should strictly be giving them information and answering any questions the participants need to know. Some best practices of group sessions is to avoid too close situations or explain the clarity of what a group sessions should be like when before the session starts or when the session
Prior to my employment with this program the classes have been ongoing. The prior employee had files of previous classes of the program, which does not apply to any of the standards needed for the current research. As per military regulation’s we are mandated to keep files stored in a locked area for the about 24 months. There is a limited amount of space in our offices and my supervisor has asked me to throw away some files that are not 24 months past. Although we do not have room there are some areas of storage that can be utilized in the building. As the program manager and the supervisor being the Research director, it is imperative the files stay in the clinics possession somewhat longer for the 24-month to pass. This violates the 6.01 documentation of progressional and scientific work and maintenance of records. This could be avoided if we abide by the hospital policies and store in the basement for record management. In conclusion, all code of ethic issues stand as a product of what the psychologist believe how great moral should be. Practicing ongoing rectitude brings forth the best psychologist practices the APA can be pleased to announce.