Marcy E. Alvarez
Kaplan University
This course has helped me have a better understanding on spreadsheet concepts, including calculations, formulas, built-in functions, and spreadsheet design. It has also given me the opportunity to explore charts, data tables, pivot tables, and what-if analysis. Moreover, I am now able to easily create spreadsheets to solve business problems, use the formulas and functions to perform calculations prepare workbooks to consolidate data, create macros to automate worksheets, and analyze data using the scenario manager. Charts provide us with a visual representation of data, making it easier to analyze. Each type of chart highlights data differently and others cannot be used with some types of data (MICROSOFT OFFICE ONLINE, 2014). Microsoft excel formulas and functions allow us to create worksheets, perform calculations, and display results in a chart. Some of the formulas and automatic functions are SUM, AVERAGE, MAXIMUM, and MINIMUM. We are also able to apply conditional formats to our data. Since this learning, I began to apply these concepts to my household’s monthly expenses. It so much easier to use those functions-which do all of the work for me. Another two key features in Excel are financial functions and hyperlinks. The financial functions help us and businesses make key decisions. An example would be if we had personal loans, or a mortgage. In this we can set up an Excel worksheet with the PMT function that helps us see how much interest we are paying on said loans every month. Furthermore, the financial functions allow us to calculate loan and payments and values, and create loan amortization schedules. Another part of Excel’s integration capability is embedding hyperlinks to other documents. We are able to refer cells by assigned names, and on inserting financial functions, amortization schedules, and data tables. Financial functions are set up using arguments,
References: Atomic Learning . (2015). EXCEL 2013. Retrieved January 19, 2015, from Atomic Learning Tutorials: MICROSOFT OFFICE ONLINE. (2014). Create a chart. Retrieved January 19, 2015, from Office Online: MICROSOFT OFFICE ONLINE. (2014). Work with Macros. Retrieved January 20, 2015, from Office online: