|1(4) |Commercial Banking.Bank- Banking- Banker- brief explanation of evolution of |1 |9Th | |
| |banks- development banks/commercial banks- distinction. Types based on | |November-21th Nov | |
| |control-Scheduled/non-scheduled, private/public/nationalized/foreign. | | | |
|1 |Introduction of Commercial Banking-Definition- of a bank essentials |1 | | |
| |features-operating types of commercial banks- unit banking and branch banking, | | | |
| |investment banking, Merchant banking, virtual banking. | | | |
|1 |Social responsibility of commercial banks- |2 | | |
| |Brief mention about pre and post nationalization and liberalization. | | | |
|2(5) |Non- Banking Financial Companies- what is meant by- definition |1 |23th | |
| | | |Nov-30th Nov | |
|2 |Components of NBFC- brief explanation of each component- important functions, |1 | | |
|2 |Distinction between banking companies and non-banking companies |1 | | |
|2 |Importance of NBFC in Indian context.(Statistical data not included) |1 |