1. My role and responsibility regarding the prevention and control of infection is an essential component of my care.
I have a responsibly to my self, Colleagues, Employer, Tenants, Visitors.
* Achieving optimum hand hygiene
Hands should be washed before and after contact with a tenant to stop any spread of infection. Hot water and soap, also can use alcohol hand gels or rub. any cuts or abrasions should be covered up with a water proof dressing, if on hands not skin colour plaster. remove watch or bracelet when washing hands.
* Using personal protective equipment
PPE is used to protect both me and the patient from the risk of cross-infection. Gloves should be worn whenever there might be contact with body fluids.they are not a substitute for hand washing.They should be put in the bin as soon as task is done. …show more content…
they should the be thrown in the bin as soon as task is complete.
* Safe handling and disposal of sharps, clinical waste
Sharps are and sharp instrument i.e. needles. should be disposed of in sharps containers and not filled more than two thirds in a area away from public.
Clinical waste should be disposed of in yellow sacks. Household waste in black bags
* Managing blood and body fluids these should be dealt with quickly, Following your workplaces written policy for dealing with spillages. Anything used to be deposed of immediately, In yellow sacks.
* Decontaminating equipment It is vital that re-usable equipment such as hoists, slings is decontaminated between each tenant. and also
* Managing accidents
* Good communication - with other staff/visitors or the patients.
* Training and