MAN5612 Project Management
Semester 2, 2012. Faculty of Business and Law.
Lecturer Name | Room no | Contact number/s | Email | Consultation times | Dr Judith Gliddon | JO2.465 | (08) 6304 5885 |
I am always contactable by email. | ALL AT ML
Mon 11.30 – 13.30Wed 14.30 – 16.30 |
Day | Time | Room No. | Monday | 14.30 – 17.30 | ML03.110 |
This unit is conducted in accordance with the Student Charter (available at: Lecturers and students must all be mindful of common courtesies such as timely arrival to class, notification of absence, ensuring mobile phones are switched off, and allowing each person the opportunity to contribute and to gain as much as possible from the unit.
YOU MUST CHECK YOUR STUDENT EMAIL ADDRESS REGULARLY. It’s the way I let you know about changes to classes, assessments etc. It’s easy to forward these emails to your favourite email address, if you have one.
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This unit examines the fundamental principles, strategies and approaches used in project management across a number of industries, for example planning and development, tourism, manufacturing, sport and events. The unit covers
References: Gido, J., & Clements, J. P. (2009). Successful project management (4th ed.). Mason: Thomson/South-Western. Project Management Institute (2008). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK@ Guide) (3rd ed.). Newton Square, PA: Author. Coman, A. & Ronen, B. (2010). Icarus’ predicament: Managing the pathologies of overspecification and overdesign. International Journal of Project Management 28 pp. 237–244. Fabac, J. (2006). Project management for systematic training. Advances in Developing Human Resources 2006; (8), pp. 540-547. Retrieved from Hacker, M. & Doolen, T. (2007). Alignment at the top: A case study investigating this critical factor in project implementation. Engineering Management Journal 19 (1) pp. 38 – 42. Harvard Business School (2003). Best practices for benchmarking. Harvard Business School Working Knowledge Archives. Kloppenborg, T., & Petrick, J. (2004). Managing project quality. Quality Progress 37(9), pp. 63-68. Nicholson, L. (2006). Project management benchmarking for measuring capability within the organisation. PM World Today 7(12) pp. 1-6. Pither, R. & Duncan, W. (2010). ISO 10006: Risky business. Retrieved July 7 from Stanleigh, M Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). (2001). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. WEEKLY SCHEDULE