Rodney R. Jones
Columbia Southern University
Elderly Abuse Elderly abuse is an important issue of today in our society. In the United States of America we treat our seniors with a great deal of disrespect. In most civilized countries seniors are treated to a higher standard. They are often looked at as people of wisdom in most families of other countries.
The American people are more concerned about self than about those who raised them and paid their way to through college. And that’s why something must be done immediately regarding elderly abuse in this country. It’s a severe problem and seems to be getting worse. So then what should we do when our parents can no longer take care of themselves?
One of the more popular things to do in America is to put our parents in a 24 hour nursing home and pretty much just forget about them. When babies are born we don’t send them to a 24 hour day care and let some stranger watch over them. Because that would be unthinkable and cruel.
We care for our babies because they cannot take care of themselves. So why is that we send our own parents off to be watched over by someone else? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever when we are in such a blessed country as the United States of America. We as their children are supposed to be there for them like they were there for us.
Elderly Abuse
They should get the care they need. They should be treated with absolute love and respect. Which is something they will never receive in a nursing home. The President of the United States of America Barack Obama made a Proclamation on June 12, 2015 to bring Awareness to Elder Abuse.
For 10 years, Americans have marked World Elder Abuse Awareness Day by joining with individuals worldwide to take a stand against elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Often under-identified and under-reported, elder abuse is a public health crisis that crosses all socioeconomic lines, and it is an affront to human rights around the world.
References: Obama, B. (2015). Proclamation 9295—World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, 2015. Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents, 1-2.