‘Abandoned’ ‘blind’ ‘darkness’ ‘challenges’ ‘overwhelmed’. These five words are the best words in both of these extracts do describe what is happening in both texts. The first noticeable thing in both extracts Blood River from page 216 to 218 and heart of darkness 48- 50, is the link of the theme of danger to the settings being used in both texts. Evidence of this is in heart of darkness when the text says” the night came suddenly and stuck you blind” ‘it seemed unnatural” ‘ a white fog, very warm and clammy, more blinding than the night’, ‘very loud cry, as of indefinite desolation’. In contrast blood river also says ‘ the Congo’ ‘flicker of lightening’ ‘angry looking clouds’ ‘limbs all folded together for warmth like the blades on a Swiss army knife’. So the instant direction of attention is to the settings of both of these texts, both characters were in dangerous situations faced with challenges that were overwhelming. From the beginning of the heart of darkness extract which is from page 48, the theme of danger is emphasised straight away by the linguistically features. The first hint of danger in the extract is when the extract says “the night came suddenly, and struck you blind” also in the next sentence danger is shown when is suggest “as though a gun had been fired”, these two quotes are instantaneous examples as one is of a gun being fired and another a metaphor referring to being ‘struck blind’. Similarly to blood river on the third line of the extract in page 216 the theme of danger arises when the text says ‘towns were abandoned and the boats left to rust’ and ‘abandoned by the outside world’ these are two good examples of danger because in one it speaks of abandoned towns and the other of boats left to rust, in comparison the heart of darkness quotes are more powerful links to danger.
My extract also instantly demonstrates pathetic fallacy because even the environment