1. What is peacekeeping?
2. Cyprus – historical background of conflict
3. UN intervention
4. UN peacekeeping operation history in Cyprus
5. The future of UN presence in Cyprus
6. Conclusion
1. United Nations Peacekeeping Operations
The United Nations, founded after World War II in 1945, with the objective to stop wars between countries and provide a platform for dialogue, is the most representative inter-governmental organization of the word. With the goal to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war” , one of United Nations’ main purposes was maintaining international peace and security. Peacekeeping has evolved into one of the main tools used by the international community to manage complex crises that pose a threat to international peace and security.
Among a range of activities such as conflict prevention, peacemaking, peace enforcement and peacebuilding that the United Nations undertake to maintain international peace and security, peacekeeping operations are designed to “preserve the peace, however fragile, where fighting has been halted, and to assist in implementing agreements achieved by the peacemakers.” Three core functions of the United Nations peacekeeping operations are to “create a secure and stable environment while strengthening the State’s ability to provide security, with full respect for the rule of law and human rights; facilitate the political process by promoting dialogue and reconciliation and supporting the establishment of legitimate and effective institutions of governance; provide a framework for ensuring that all United Nations and other international actors pursue their activities at the country-level in a coherent and coordinated manner.”
The role of peacekeeping is not only to support the implementation of a ceasefire or peace agreement, but also often to play a role in peacemaking and peacebuilding activities. Modern peacekeeping operations