I have a dream that Nigeria will be a country where everyone will speak in one voice despite the ethnicity.
I have a dream that Nigeria will be corruption free, violent free and absent of wastage of resources and human.
I have a dream that Nigeria will be rule by Mentors rather than tormentors and also where the youth will take charge of the government.
I have a dream that Nigeria will be a nation where jobs and investment will seek for people not the people seeking for jobs.
I have a dream that this country of mine will serve as the heart of Africa and also a sight for the world.
I have a dream that Nigeria government will invest 50% of her revenue into education so as to produce good doctors, scientists, psychologist, educationists to mention a few.
I have a dream that Nigeria will be a nation where justice will be done regardless of your social and political status.
I have a dream that Nigeria government will know their purpose as asserted by Thomas Jefferson- the purpose of government this way ” To secure these rights to life , liberty and pursuit of happiness.”
I have a dream that Nigeria will be a country where everywhere will be bright at night , and where robbery will be thing of the past.
I have a dream that Nigeria will be a country where the government will recognise the value and importance of individuals , which was what Henry David Thoreau called really free and enlightened state. he pinpointed that there will never be a really free and enlightened state until the state come to recognise the individual as a higer and independent power from which all its own power and authority derived and treats him accordingly.
I have a dream …………………. to be