“With ever watchful eyes and bearing scars, visible and invisible, I headed North, full of a hazy notion that life could be lived with dignity, that the personalities of others should not be violated, that men should be able to confront other mean without fear or shame, and that if men were lucky in their living on earth they might win some redeeming meaning for their having struggled and suffered here beneath the stars.” (285)gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggnce Richard is "no longer set apart for being sinful," his family leaves him alone. Chapter 5, pg. 123
Quote 10: "I said to myself, that boy just doesn't know what he's doing," the man tells him. Chapter 5, pg. 132
Quote 11: "The naked will of power seemed always to walk in the wake of a hymn." Chapter 5, pg. 136
Quote 12: her "humanity [triumphs] over her fear." Chapter 5, pg. 144
Quote 13: "You ought to know God through some church." Chapter 6, pg. 150
Quote 14: "even if that isn't right, it's not far wrong." Chapter 6, pg. 157
Quote 15: "I never saw a dog bite that could really hurt a nigger," Chapter 7, pg. 163
Quote 16: While in eighth grade, Richard writes "The Voodoo of Hell's Half-Acre," a story that "stemmed from pure feeling." Chapter 7, pg. 165
Quote 17: "the principal's speech is the better speech." Chapter 8, pg. 177
Quote 18: "That's what we do to niggers who don't pay their bills," one man tells Richard. Chapter 9, pg. 184
Quote 19: "Could she ever understand my life?" he wonders about Bess, doubtfully. Chapter 11, pg. 217
Quote 20: "My ass is tough and quarters is scarce." Chapter 12, pg. 229
Quote 21: "This was the culture from which i sprang. This was the terror from which I fled." Chapter