Yataka Thompson
POL: 201 American National Government
Instructor: Samantha Hodapp
May 27, 2013
Introduction There truly is a legal challenge in regards to the Patient Protection and Affordable Act, which is commonly known as Obamacare, this type of great case usually comes along once a generation. The reason that this was a great case was simply because it reconsidered so many different aspects of our first principals of our constitution which was the fundamental relationships between both the citizens as well as the government, and the fundamental relationships that was between both the states as well as the federal government. The judiciary role in regards to saying what the law truly is along with checking the political branches, the scope, and the limits to the tree different branch powers. That is why this great case was never about the state of health care in America or even how to make the troubled areas in regards to this public policy better. This great case was about the way to read our nation 's basic law and was Congress constitutionally authorized to utilize that it choose to utilize in regards to this particular instance. The United States federal statue which was signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010 is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which is commonly known as Obamacare. "Together with the Healthcare and Education Reconciliation Act, it represents the most significant government expansion and regulatory overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid"(Ilya Fall 2012 p. 22). This act aims at raising the rate of coverage in regards to health insurance for Americans, and decreasing the cost of healthcare overall. It also gives different mechanisms, such as including mandates, subsidies , along with tax credits for employees and people to increase the rates of coverage. "There is additional reforms that aim to improve healthcare outcomes,
References: Friedman, Barry.(Oct 2012). Obamacare and the Corp: Handing Health Policy Back to the People. Foreign Affairs. Vol91, Issue 5, p.87-98. Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com.proxy.library.ashford.edu/ehost/detail?vid=83 Ilya, Shapirol.(Fall 2012). Like Eastwood Talking To A Chair: The Good The Bad and The Ugly of Obamacare Ruling. Texas Review & Law. Vol. 17, Issue 1,m p. 20-23. Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com.proxy-library.ashford.edu/pdf viewer Mongruet, AR(Sept 2012). Understanding the Failures of Health Care and Exceptionalism in the Supreme Courts Obamacare Decision. Chest. Vol 143, Issue 3, p. 59-62. Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com.proxy.library.ashford.edu/ehost/detail?vid=17 Souter, Punkin.(Sept2012). Health and Power: What Obamacare Means Now to Employees. Financial Executive. Vol 28, Issue 7, p. 54-57. Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com.proxy.library.ashford.edu/ehost/detail?vid=83 Levin-Waldman.(2012). American Government. San Diego Ca,. Bridge Point Education Inc. Retrieved from https://content.ahfod.edu