Unit 1 and 2
Part 1 and Part 2 must be completed by October 11 to be registered for the US History class.
There will be a PART 3 on the Industrial Revolution, Immigration, and Urbanization
1. Historical Thinking and Skills * Analyze various types of primary source documents * Credibility of sources * Claims and Evidence * Causation in History * Historical Interpretations
a. Students will read and complete Lesson Master 1.1 I (pages 23-26) handouts b. Students will read and complete Lesson Master 1.1 J (pages 27-31) handouts c. Students will read and complete Lesson Master 1.1 L (page 33) handout d. Students will read and complete Lesson Master 1.1 M (pages 36-37) handouts
The answers to these handouts must be either turned into Mrs. Coleman in Room 309 OR www.mstasa4082@columbus.k12.oh.us.
When the above assignment is completed before student can continue to the next section.
2. Historic Documents: What are America’s Founding Ideas?
Each student must take Lesson 1.2 pre-test on Historic Documents: What are America’s Founding Ideals? before completing lessons in section 2. Come to Mrs. Coleman’s class to take this pre-test in room 309.
a. Students complete Lesson Master B, The Enlightenment and the American Founding (pp. 54-57) b. Define the following Vocabulary: Enlightenment, natural rights, social contract, Articles of Confederation, federalism, ratification, Federalists, Antifederalists, Bill of Rights. c. Students read and complete Lesson Master C, American Founding Documents Summary and complete Lesson Master D, Founding Documents Matrix. (pp. 58-64) d. Students read Lesson Master E (pp. 65-77). Then complete Lesson Master F, Primary Source Matrix (pp. 78-79) using the information in Lesson Master E. e. Students read and complete Lesson Master I, Should the Constitution be Ratified? (pp.84-87). f. Complete Lesson Master N, Constitution Scavenger