United States Vs Williams Case Study
United States v. Williams was about Michael Williams who signed into a public Internet chat room, and posted a message that read "Dad of toddler has 'good' pics of her and me for swap of your toddler pics, or live cam." There happened to be a secret service agent in the chat room at the time that seen it and decided to message him, which lead to an electronic exchange of non pornographic pictures of children. Williams demanded the agent to send more pictures and when the agent didn't do so, Williams decided to post a hyper link in the chat room that linked seven pictures of girls from the age of five to fifteen naked. The agent then got a search warrant for Williams home, where they seized two hard drives containing 22 images of naked children.
William was charged with one count of pandering child pornography and one count of possessing child pornography.
1. I believe a offer is sufficient enough to establish criminal liability because the subject had the intent to proceed with the criminal act. When someone offers something, they are willing doing so making it sufficient.
2. If there is no apparent ability to commit what a person offered, there should be no punishment. Why punish someone who can't physically do any harm?
3. I believe that the First Amendment's should allow legislatures the ability to distinguish between crimes that have big risk and harm. This can prevent future rapes and even kidnappings.