Literature Review
Reasons for Universal Preschool Although the push for the development of universal preschool is not new, a critical review of the current interest in the type of schooling suggests that there are a myriad of reasons as to why policymakers and educators are aggressively pursing policies to develop these programs. With this in mind, it is important to provide a comprehensive review of the current literature by examining the wide range of reasons that have been offered for the development of these programs. By examining the reasons behind the current push for universal preschool programs, it will be possible to
References: Ashford, E. (2007). The concept of universal Prekindergarten is gaining momentum. Education Digest, 73(2), 22-25. Buchanan, B. (2007). Rolling the dice. American School Board Journal, 194(5), 25-27. Dellinger, J., Osorio, I., & Hybner, J. (2007). Teachers unions fighting for universal preschool. Human Events, 63(23), 17-20. Duncan, G.J., Ludwig, J., & Magnuson, K.A. (2007). Reducing poverty through preschool interventions. Future of Children, 17(2), 143-160. Hoff, D. (2007). Economists tout value of reducing dropouts. Education Week, 26(23), 5, 15. Jacobson, L. (2007). Long-term impact of pre-K examined. Education Week, 36(24), 13. Levin, H.M., & Schwartz, H.L. (2007). Educational vouchers for universal pre-schools. Economics of Education Review, 26(1), 3-16. Miller, J.J. (2007). Preschool for all! National Review, 59(18), 48-52. Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s workforce. (2007). NSTA Reports, 18(5), 1-39. States reap pre-kindergarten investment rewards. (2007). State News, 50(9), 7. Tucker, M. (2007). Charting a new course for schools. Educational Leadership, 64(7), 48-52. Witte, J.F. (2007). A proposal for state, income-targeted, preschool vouchers. Peabody Journal of Education, 82(4), 617-644. Zigler, E., & Finn-Stevenson, M. (2007). From research to policy and practice: The school of the 21st century. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 77(2), 175-181.