
University of Cambridge: General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level Question Paper

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University of Cambridge: General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level Question Paper
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UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level

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ENGLISH LANGUAGE Paper 2 Composition Additional Materials:

October/November 2010 2 hours Answer Booklet/Paper

READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST If you have been given an Answer Booklet, follow the instructions on the front cover of the Booklet. Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. Answer one question from Section A and one question from Section B. You are reminded of the need for good English and clear presentation in your answers. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. All questions in this paper carry equal marks.

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DC (CW) 28958 © UCLES 2010

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2 Answer one question from Section A and one question from Section B. You should write between 600 and 900 words for each composition.

Section A: Narrative/Descriptive/Imaginative Writing 1 Write a descriptive piece called The Lost World. In your writing create an atmosphere of decay and isolation.


‘She read the text message on her phone. She paused, gasped, and took a very deep breath…’ Continue the story. In your writing bring out a sense of suspense and tension. (You do not have to complete the story.)


Write two contrasting pieces (between 300–450 words each), one about your most enjoyable experience, and the other about your least enjoyable experience.


Write the opening to a short story called A New Romance. In your writing create an unusual setting in which two strangers meet for the first time.

Section B: Discursive/Argumentative Writing


‘Giving aid to less developed countries does more harm than good.’ What do you think – and why?


A magazine

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