It is generally considered that university is an institution which concentrate on mainly two tasks: one is cultivating people to be professional in their fields, the other is doing further research on certain aspects. These two tasks decide that university focus on theoretical knowledge, but not practical training. What's people looking for in the further education in university? Certainly it's knowledge and most probably the theoretical knowledge. If they are seeking for some practical training, why not they enter some kind of skill-training institution or just find a job, both of which are likely to give them many more chances of practical training than a university can afford. As people don't resort university to get practical training, why should university provide such training which its students would not expect?
Admittedly, university students are prone to do practical work once they graduate and I'm certainly for that they should know something practical about their major which means the students ought to be prepared for their future career. However, preparation doesn't necessarily require practical training while they're obtaining theoretical knowledge. For instance, a student of law can easily be familiar with practical affairs by the means of taking courses of practical affairs. Sometimes it's a waste of time and human labor resource to attend so-called practical training in a court.
In a sentence, it's not university's responsibility to provide practical training and it's rather meaningless for students to participate in types of practical training when time's for them to attain more theoretical knowledge.
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